TEACH.Co is a bulgarian film production and service company which main focus is creation of exceptional commercials, features, shorts, documentaries, music videos, corporate productions and photogrаphy.
About us
We have the material and technical base to carry out our own projects and to execute comissioned works. Our artistic projects are funded by Bulgarian and international donors.
In the past years the company has worked on projects supported by Gedenkbibliothek zu Ehren der Opfer des Kommunismus e.V. Berlin, Ministry of Physical Education and Sport – Bulgaria, Sofia Municipality and UNFPA – Bulgaria.
We are open for partnerships in co-productions and service provisions.
We are TEACH.Co
TEACH.Co is an award-winning company that works with a small and flexible team of highly committed quality artists and technical staff.
This ensures sufficient autonomy in carrying out own projects and reliable partnership for co-productions.
Rossen Daskalov – Teacher
CoFounder / DoP
A cinematographer, based in Sofia, working in the field of cinema and audiovisual productions in Bulgaria and abroad.
Irena Daskalova
CoFounder / Director & Producer
Irena Daskalova graduated for a director, producer and photography.